Joan Jett and I Sat Down for a Chat. This is What Happened.

I was proud to interview Joan Jett, a tenacious, ambitious, hardworking musician who rocks as hard as any guy, and proudly supports women who rock along the way. Joan Jett was living proof that women can make it in a man’s world. Here are the highlights of my interview with Joan Jett. For the record, she was everything that I hoped she’d be.

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It’s Not HomeSchooling. It’s COVID Schooling and That’s Different.

I work and live in the mom space. I see parents stressing out with the additional pressure to homeschool their kids while in lockdown. It's a lot to ask of those of us trying to juggle a business or simply trying to cope with COVID anxiety-induced brain fog. As someone who never really followed the rules, here's my (partially irresponsible) advice to parents on why they should stop the worksheets and try this experiential approach to schooling your kids during the pandemic.

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Erica Ehm Comment